Ovarian Cysts

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The top 10 most common cancers among women in Turkey includes breast, ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer. With these statistics, it is possible to see how common gynecological cancers actually are.

Regular gynecological examinations facilitate early diagnosis of gynecological cancers that are common in women. These diseases can be overcome thanks to early diagnoses made through regular examinations.

As with many types of cancer, early diagnosis is very important for survival rates in gynecological cancers too. 

Known Types of Gynecologic Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer can be diagnosed by pathologic findings of cells in the cervix before they turn into cancer cells. It is therefore very important for all sexually active women to have a gynecological examination and cervical smear test once a year.

Symptoms of cervical cancer include vaginal bleeding during sexual intercourse, menstrual irregularity, postmenopausal bleeding, foul-smelling and dark-colored vaginal discharge.

Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer

Uterine cancer, also known as endometrial cancer, is a type of cancer that usually occurs after menopause. Bleeding after menopause or outside of the menstrual period, increased vaginal discharge, bleeding after sexual intercourse are the most common symptoms of this cancer.

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer doesn’t cause specific symptoms in early stages. Therefore it is usually diagnosed in advanced stages and has the lowest survival rates among gynecological cancers. Some of the symptoms of ovarian cancer are loss of appetite, constipation, a palpable mass in the abdomen, frequent urination and pain in the groin area. 

Vulvar Cancer

Vulvar cancer, one of the rare gynecologic cancers, has a long latency period. This cancer is seen in the outer lips of the vulva and presents with symptoms such as foul-smelling discharge, bleeding and itching.

Vaginal Cancer

Vaginal cancer is a rare type of gynecologic cancer that is mostly genetically inherited. Symptoms such as swelling of the vagina, bleeding outside of the menstrual period and pain in the pelvic area may be symptoms of vaginal cancer.